Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Today at Enrich... drone, drone, drone! I always start like that! At Enrich we did more on our new Concept Curriculum, Environments. We were put into groups of four. In my group was Destiny, Hannah, Cheanna... and me.
We were given a few sheets of pictures of things that are unique to Southland - like the water tower, Henry the Tuatara, etc, etc. And with those we had to create a mural - just a draft, sort of practicing for if we want to do a mural on one of those totally boring brick walls of Invercargill for our project for Environment. I don't think I'll do murals, but there are many other choices...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Painting with Katie May!!!

Today, we did THE coolest thing ever in the history of the entire milky way! OK, so we were given a choice out of maths tessellation's, chemistry and painting to do for this week and next week and I chose painting. Katie took us to the front whiteboard and we watched a few tutorials and clips about Claude Monet. The style of painting that we were doing was called Impressionism, which means that not every detail is perfect, and it's sort of blurry, but really colourful and interesting!
Claude Monet's most famous painting is one of a part of his garden, a beautiful bridge over a pond with lillypads. We copied this painting onto a small bit of paper. We used all the special techniques that the tutorial taught us with a flat brush, and were given different colours to use and mix together. It was actually quite hard to get that exact blurring but still an interesting look, but the cool thing about it was that you couldn't go wrong. If you did a malfunctioning experiment with one colour, then just blend it in with another colour! 
It was lots of fun and also a challenge. I wonder what we're going to do next week?...