Thursday, March 31, 2011


Here at Enrich, we play quite a bit of chess. We play it mostly because it gets your brain going. Chess is kind of like Enrich's version of maths. Chess can be played for different amounts of time. Some people think you can sit down and play one game for hours, and sometimes you can, but sometimes you can only play for a few minutes before somebody wins or loses. Chess is a fun game that involves new strategies, and skill.

Event Organisation

Today at Enrich has been awesome, just as usual. Our game this morning was called "Seaweed", where there are three people in the middle to start with and they are allowed to run anywhere. Then one of them calls out something like the colour of a top and if you are wearing that colour then you have to RUN and try not to get tagged before you get to the other side. If you do get tagged, then you have to stand with your feet not going anywhere and reach out your arms like seaweed to tag other people as they run past. The last person who was successful to get to the other side without getting tagged is the winner. The game involves quick thinking and quick movement. It was fun.


We are learning about Interactions, at Enrich.  Interactions are when 2 or more things have an effect on each other.  To learn about Interactions we went on a field trip to see: a pre school to see how children interact with each other, a walk around the city to see the interactions in shops, cars on the street and people around town. We also went to the boardwalk by the estuary where we saw water and plants and insects and birds all interacting with each other.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Today at Enrich I went to a very interesting workshop. It was called ICT Q and A. We learnt some cool tricks with the computer, like highlighting things in different colours and how to paste, copy and cut [the computer way]. We also learnt how to change our screen-savers. It was a very cool workshop and I learnt loads of things that I did not know how to do. We learnt how to take screen-shots in different ways. The workshop helped me know more about computers. It was awesome.

This is a screen shot I took using command, shift and 4 all at the same time. It lets you choose the area you want to take a shot of.