Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Talent Development Taste Testers

Today at Enrich we sorted out a bit with Talent Development for 2012! We got to have half an hour at each thing, which were Art, Science and Maths. Darryn took Art, Alana took Maths and Katie took Science. First my group went to Science, then Maths, then Art. In Science we looked at Tornados and how the are created. We found out they created themselves when the cold air and the hot air meet. The tornado is basically air pressure. Next in Maths it was quite complicated! First we looked at pictures of models from Canstruction, a world wide competition where you make sculptures - out of food cans! It is all to do with how you rearrange the different coloured cans and labels. But of course we couldn't get all those cans, so we looked at Lego blocks instead. We used an app on the ipad 2's we have called Jumbo, which is a big calculator. We worked out how many Lego blocks could fit into a brick wall and the width and height of the lego block. And finally, at Art with Darryn, we did experiments with water colour paint. We found out if a bit of the paper was wet, and the water colour paint trickled down, it would stop where the paper was dry. I wonder what makes that happen? (You could comment if you know the answer). The water colour paint was really cool! Art, Science and Maths were the things you could pick for Talent Development. Just a little Taste Tester! At the moment I am choosing Art, but then my choice could always change! The Taste testers were fun and challenging. It was awesome! 

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