Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Air Pollution

Ah. Sniff, sniff. Breathe, breathe. The air is sweet, here in New Zealand!
But if you said that in Iran, the most polluted city in the world, you would most likely be considered crazy. The air in Iran is literally yellow. Yuck. 
How do I know? Today at Enrich, we watched a video clip of The 10 Most Polluted Cities In The World. I would NOT like to live in any of the countries featured in the video! Why not? Oh, the towns were full of garbage, the people in the cities had to cover their mouths with cloths, etc, etc! That's all!
What caused this problem? US. No, not the United States. Us. As in, we. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. "What did I do? I'm as innocent as a sack of potatoes!" Well, you didn't do it personally. But you know those really big factories that pollute the air? Well, we create/build factories there, because these countries don't have as strict laws against air pollution.
Just think how bad this is for the environment!

The worst bit is, we live in this. Yes, that's right. The air from all those disgusting countries doesn't just waft around doing nothing. It travels. All our countries are inside a bubble. We live in that disgusting air pollution!!!!

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