Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wachner Place AGAIN!

My morning was pretty good today. Woke up, yawned, snapped at my little brother to stop shaking me to wake me up and watched him scurry away from me in terror, had breakfast, arrived at Enrich, watched Darryn and Clara play a mental edge game, doing bunny-ears behind Darryn a few times, played Chess with Hannah and got steamrollered, and then my glorious day was punctured by a very unpleasant sight.
Looking even more boring than ever before, and wet with rain and sludge and cold, the dreary eyeful wasn't too attractive. We slouched around taking measurements of the gardens, counting the little pillars and measuring walls as we were asked.
There were, let me think, two at the front, two more, I think there might have been one more, about five little gardens full of cigarettes, Pepsi Max cans and other horrible bits of rubbish like torn and wet newspaper. The only plants in sight were drooping, prickly roses - well, no roses attached to the stalks, actually. 
Our group's job was to enhance the garden. Not now - first we had to figure out the price and ask the council if we could do it and everything. 
All in all, not the world's greatest amusement park, unless you're a loony who thinks looking at a big blank space and droopy roses is some bizarre form of entertainment. I really hope the council gives us permission to enhance the garden, because it's pretty boring now.

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