Wednesday, August 22, 2012

More Writing

SO. I am 99.9% positive that you don't want to hear me rabbiting on about Creative Writing, but it's my blog, so I can do whatever appeals to me, and at this moment I want to rabbit on about Creative Writing, which I have complete authority to do, so I shall now do so.
Sorry about that. I got a bit carried away. Well, anyway, today we did more Creative Writing.  I liked our warm-up best of all. We used Story Cubes. Some of you will know what Story Cubes are, but for those who haven't the faintest idea what I'm yakking on about, they are sort of dice. You take a handful of them and roll them. On each side of each dice there is a picture. Yes, just a random picture. Shooting stars. castles, faces, arrows, cell-phones, apples, turtles, hot-air balloons and much more.
We buddied up and took it in turns to roll a handful of dice. Whatever pictures came up, we had to arrange them into a way they made sense and then tell a story to our buddy. For example, say I rolled:
An apple
A cellphone
A face
A compass
A bee
A hot-air balloon
And a castle.
I would arrange the dice and tell a story that would go something like this...

Once upon a time, in a medieval castle (the castle) there was a person (the face) lying in bed. They couldn't get to sleep. The night was so hot and warm (the hot-air balloon) and somewhere a bee (the bee) was buzzing outside, which was a very annoying sound. Another annoying sound was the sound of his cellphone (the cellphone) which was lost (the compass) so he couldn't answer it. He tried anyway, groping around in the darkness. His hand grabbed something, but it wasn't his cellphone, it was an apple instead (the apple) and then the ringing stopped because he was so slow and it remained completely lost. The End.

Bit of a stupid story on my part, but it was still really fun. Then we had to go back to the list of memories we made at the back of our books at the previous Creative Writing session and choose a different memory to write about. My story wasn't sad this time - it was funny. :)

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