Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Creative Writing

Today I did some Creative Writing with Darryn. It was really fun! You know the bit that cracked me up most? Our warm-up exercise. Talk about weird! Darryn gave us  all the same picture and we had to do a character profile about it. AND GUESS WHAT THE PICTURE WAS? A hobo! Just kidding! But really, it wasn't much different. We were given a dopey, idiotic-looking CLOWN! Now, I'm not ashamed to admit it - clowns give me the hibbery-jibberys. But this one? He was just weird.
We had to describe it in every way possible. How old was he? I guessed 90. (He-he-he)! Was he poor? Rich? Did he like being a clown? Or did he think every minute of it sucked? We had to develop the character in our own, unique way. He was ours to bring to life. (Actually, I'd rather prefer it if he was dead).
Then we had to write down a list of strong memories. My list was jam-packed! Then we had to choose one memory and write a short story about it. I wrote my one about the moment I found out that my dog had died. It was a sad story. :( 
To entertain you, here is a picture of the clown I was talking about. 

NOT KIDDING! Isn't he just... weird? 

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