Monday, February 18, 2013

I am...

I am... who am I? Yes, I am Isabella, but no, that's not the answer. Does 'Isabella' sum up everything about yours truly? Ooooh no. No, there's a lot more to me than 'Isabella'!
Well, if 'Isabella' isn't the answer, then what is? Want to know? Do ya? Do ya!
I'm not telling you.
Hah! Seriously, though, I'm not going to tell you. That sheet of paper titled 'I am...' is top-secret. Classified. For the eyes of nobody. The only one who knows EXACTLY what's on it is moi. And the teachers, but they haven't read it yet, so I really AM the only one who knows! 
So if I'm not going to tell you, what's the point of this blog post? Well, I'll tell you how the sheet was set out, and the purpose.
OK, so if you can imagine an A4 sheet of paper. You're looking at it portrait-style. At the top are the words, 'I am...' Then there is a list. The first thing on the list is... drumroll, please... 'I am'. Then a massive long line of dots, and that's where you write your answer. I wrote - 
Next on the list is 'I wonder'. Then more dots. Then, 'I value.' and then - well, you get the general idea about the dots. The rest is:
I want, I fear, I am (two qualities), I pretend, I feel, I worry, I cry, I admire, I believe, I dream, I try, I hope, and then, once more, 'I am'. 
Some of these questions are REALLY personal, so basically we were pouring our hearts out onto that bit of paper. For this reason, if you wanted your bit of paper to be classified, (which I did) then all you had to do was put an asterisk beside your name at the top. I think pretty much everyone did that! 
Well, until next time, farewell. 

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