Monday, March 18, 2013

Sheep Drama

Remember the post titled ABC Drama? Well, that was a drama game, but it was only one of the many we're going to be doing this year.
Today we played four more, and they were really fun! I'll only describe one today. It was a game where three people sat in a line on the 'stage.' One of them said a word. BORING! But wait - it gets better. Then the next in line had to say another word. Patience, it does get better! And the words had to knit together to make a story — but each person was only allowed to say one word at a time. 
Here's an example:
Person 1: Yesterday
Person 2: I
Person 3: Went
1: To 
2: The 
3: Shops 
1: And 
2: I 
3: Bought 
1: A 
2: Sheep. (End of sentence.)
3: And 
1: The
2: Sheep 
3: Was 
1: Hairy. (End of  sentence.)
 2: I was
Then another person takes the place of Person 2. Get it? The game was really, really fun, but it also got us thinking. Whenever we got too slow, Nicola would clap her hands impatiently, and we'd snap back to fast mode!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Passion Proposals

Bonjour, mon bon personnes!

Oops, sorry, that's French for 'Greetings, my good people!' (I'm thinking of learning French.)

So... PASSION PROJECTS!!! I have a crystal clear idea of what I am going to do, and I have filled out the proposal sheet. What I would like to do is...
I would like to study history. Not that boring-doring stuff they drum into you at school, like heir to the throne, rightful ruler, blah-de-blah-de-blah-blah-blah. No, I mean I want to learn more about that beast of a man, King Henry VIII, and him ordering to have people's heads chopped off, including two of his own six wives! Old nutter. And about the TORTURE DEVICES and the Tower of London and the many burnings, ordered by the oh-so-lovely Queen Mary I. Sounds good to me!
Once I've taken down loads of notes about the Tudor times, as that is the particular area that I will be studying, I'll make it into a sort of report thing, or maybe a book, because that sort of ties in with my OTHER passion, which is writing. Cool, right?
I still have to have a conference with Darryn, to see if he'll let me do my Passion project, so fingers crossed!

Monday, March 4, 2013

ABC Drama

No, I am not talking about trying to teach a dramatic toddler the ABC, I'm talking about the game we played with the marvelous Nicola!

Hands up if you know the alphabet? Whoa, too many hands! Okay, let me try again. Hands up who doesn't know the alphabet?
Okay, so its pretty obvious that 98 percent of us know how the alphabet goes. So the following game should be easy, right? WRONG! 
Am I boring you? Because it feels a little like I'm boring you. Can you see a pattern? Ding dong, can't you see it already? Epic, nobody can see this pattern. Flobberworms, this is DEFINITELY boring. Gaaah, this is infuriating! 
To stop my head blowing up, I'll just tell you the pattern. Nice and simple.
Go back to the first letter of every sentence. This how they go: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. Strangely enough, there's the alphabet!
So do you know how the game works? Imagine a conversation between me and my dear old brother Noah.
Me: Alright, want to play chess?
Noah: Bah, no way.
Me: Come on, you used to love chess!
Noah: Duh, not anymore.
Me: in a silly French accent: Eet ees boring, just sitting here talking about it!
Noah: Flips. Let's do flips on the trampoline instead.
Me: Gah, alright.
Noah: Hooray!

Get the picture?
Nicola told us that some people can just do this as if they're having a completely normal conversation. She said its fun to watch. 
Go on, why not have a game with your friends? You only have ten seconds to think of a sentence. Once you're good at that, cut it down to five seconds. If you keep cutting it down, eventually you'll be pros!