Monday, March 11, 2013

Passion Proposals

Bonjour, mon bon personnes!

Oops, sorry, that's French for 'Greetings, my good people!' (I'm thinking of learning French.)

So... PASSION PROJECTS!!! I have a crystal clear idea of what I am going to do, and I have filled out the proposal sheet. What I would like to do is...
I would like to study history. Not that boring-doring stuff they drum into you at school, like heir to the throne, rightful ruler, blah-de-blah-de-blah-blah-blah. No, I mean I want to learn more about that beast of a man, King Henry VIII, and him ordering to have people's heads chopped off, including two of his own six wives! Old nutter. And about the TORTURE DEVICES and the Tower of London and the many burnings, ordered by the oh-so-lovely Queen Mary I. Sounds good to me!
Once I've taken down loads of notes about the Tudor times, as that is the particular area that I will be studying, I'll make it into a sort of report thing, or maybe a book, because that sort of ties in with my OTHER passion, which is writing. Cool, right?
I still have to have a conference with Darryn, to see if he'll let me do my Passion project, so fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. So Izzie are you able to do your passion project? What a gruesome child you are! It was an era of macabre, spin-chilling events. I look forward to reading about your research on your posts.
