Wednesday, October 24, 2012

All or Nothing

Today we played the same game as last week, called All Or Nothing. It's one of those things that sounds really confusing if somebody tries (and fails) to explain it to you, but when you do it, it's actually fun and easy. 
All Or Nothing is exactly like that, so you'll probably get bored of this blog post pretty easily. But, go away, get some glue... waiting, waiting... right, got your glue? Good. Now open the lid - no, clockwise,  dingbat, not anti-clockwise... good, now squirt glue on your eyes - don't grizzle like that, you'll thank me later - then put your eyeballs up against the screen. Come on, it's not that hard. A million dollars is yours if you successfully glue your eyes to the computer screen! Right, done it?
Forget the million dollars, and read carefully. Oh, that's right - you don't have a choice! Ha-ha! Now, I'm going to tell you how to play All or Nothing...

Alright, so a big group is split up into two or more reasonably even teams (we played with three.) 
Then, each group lines up in a line, side by side. One you've done that, put four hoops in a vertical line in front of each team. Right, once you've done that, place a little rubbish tin in the first hoop, the hoop closest to the first person in line. Each person first in line must be holding a small, soft object - E.G: A mini beanbag. 
OK, you're all set for your game. 
The first person in line, the one holding the beanbag, must aim to through the beanbag in the rubbish tin, which is in the first hoop. If they fail, then they must run back and hand the beanbag to the next person in line. If they succeed, then they must move the rubbish tin into the second hoop, stand behind the second hoop with the beanbag, and throw the beanbag to the next person in line. If they catch it, then the person who caught it must try to get the beanbag in the rubbish tin which is now inside the second hoop. If they drop it, then they must move the rubbish tin back to the first hoop. 
The game carries on like this until somebody has gotten the beanbag in the rubbish tin which is in the fourth hoop, stands behind the fourth hoop and throws it to the next person in line. If they catch it, they WIN!!! (Victory dance!) But, if the person drops it, then the rubbish tin is moved back to the first hoop, as you already know. 
This game will frustrate and agonise you - a very good way of entertaining yourself!                                                                                                                                                           


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