Wednesday, October 17, 2012


What is sustainability anyway? Yes, it's the name of my blog post, but what does it actually mean? Here's the dictionary definition:
Able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
Which, basically means, the ability to sustain something or keep something going. Now, why exactly am I rabbiting on about the ability to keep something going in the middle of a blog post at Enrich, a school for the gifted, in Invercargill, New Zealand? Well, before you think I'm mad, today, as part of looking at the topic of environment, we looked at four kinds of sustainability's - social sustainability, economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, and cultural sustainability.
Ha-ha, you have no idea what I'm talking (or typing) about, do you!? Well, economic sustainability is all to do with money. We had a big, long, complicated talk, mostly between Darryn, one of the teachers, and Hutch, one of the students, about Greece and how they're going into a riot because they have gone bankrupt. That just proves that when you're going broke, don't trot down to the shops and buy yourself a nice red-and-white polka-dot bow tie that costs an arm and a leg. That's how everything that's going on in Greece has happened - they have spent more money than they could afford. To put it in human language, economic sustainability is the sustainability of your money. Oh, by the way, or more information on the riot in Greece, click on this link:
Now, what is environment sustainability? I'll tell you what it is - that's if you haven't already become bored of this blog post and gone to watch the grass grow.
Environment sustainability is keeping the environment the same, as it should be, not changing it to make it worse. We actually didn't do much on environment sustainability. Leave that to the hippies.
The next one we did was social sustainability. Which quite simply means mostly "relationships" and being friends and sustaining that and - oh, well, you can sort of tell what it's about from what it's called, sustaining social relationships between cultures and countries, and even best friends.
And, last of all, we did culture sustainability, which means respecting other's cultures, not offending other's cultures, etc., etc. 
Have you noticed something that I would never noticed if Hutch hadn't pointed it out? That's right - all these kinds of sustainability's are linked in some way! I'll leave you to ponder how they're linked - maybe I'll fill you in on my next blog post. Tell you what. If you think you know how they're linked, then post a comment on this post telling me what you think, then in my next post I'll tell you who was right, if anybody actually got it right, and if I actually got any answers. And remember to check out that link about the Greece riots. 

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