Wednesday, October 31, 2012

We Were Awesome!

NOT! Alright, imagine this. A game where a small amount of people stand in a circle, one person holding an easy-to-catch ball. The person throws the ball to any person in the circle, excluding the person directly beside them. Then the person sits down. The first group to have everybody sitting down wins. 
How simple. 
The original game was to have one big group instead of two little ones and have nine objects instead of one. Four green beanbags, four orange beanbags and the ball. We also had to catch them in a a certain sequence - green, orange, green, orange, ball, and vice versa. But we had to modify it to make it simpler because we were so terrible! AND GUESS WHAT? The actual point of the game wasn't the catching, it as remembering the sequence!    All over the place, people were mucking up. Standing with their hands in their pockets staring vaguely at a  computer and getting hit in the face as a result. People screaming other people's names like lunatics and not being able to hear because everybody starts doing the same as a result. People forgetting to sit down and catching the ball twice in a row which ends the game as a result. And people DROPPING DROPPING DROPPING and ending the game as a result.
(Whining): Well, you try it then, smarty-pants! 
Seriously. Try it, and put a comment on this post telling me your result! (Still whining)
P.S: Trick or treat!

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