Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sea Shepherds

Today we had a man called Grant come in and talk to us about his job, which is helping to stop the Japanese from killing whales. He is part of a company called Sea Shepherds, who have been doing this for over thirty years.
First Grant showed us a video about Sea Shepherds, which included the head and the founder talking about the company, the number of whales saved each year, clips of them out in boats, pictures of whales and seals. You should have seen the weather. Shudder. 
Then he showed us a slideshow with more pictures, such as ones of the founder with Tim Shadbolt (that picture was in the paper) and pictures of the ships belonging to Sea Shepherds. The slideshow also had snippets of information about laws and loopholes and other countries such as Japan. Actually, Japan was quite a big part of the whole thing, as they kill wales for money, and Sea Shepherds are trying to stop them, so they're sort of enemies. However, Grant also talked about how once a Japanese crew member went overboard, and the Sea Shepherds sent out one of their helicopters to help look  for the crew members. The Sea Shepherds hoped that Japan would do the same for them.
This is the Sea Shepherd logo - Grant had it on his jersey
It was all very interesting, but some of it, like things to do with the laws and rules and loopholes and that sort of thing were confusing, but then we are just Years Three, Four, Five and Six! 

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