Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thinker's Keys

Ever heard of the Thinker's Key's? No? Neither had I until we went over it today at Enrich!
We had a Thinker's Key's rotation, and I only got to do two stations, and it was Ridiculous statements like what if we all had the same time zone the whole world I mean and brainstorming and the thing Destiny and I had to brainstorm was how to encourage people to use public transport - 
OOOPS! I haven't even told you what the Thinker's Keys are yet!
OK, so the Thinker's Keys are ways of thinking outside the box. Betcha you've heard of that from nagging, over-ethusiastic teachers, eh?! 'Remember, you need to think outside the BOX, darling!' Sound familiar? Well, it's not a bad thing. Actually, it's a really good thing! It's good to challenge yourself and think outside the box. 
We had a rotation with three stations, Ridiculous Key, Brainstorming Key, and Variations Key. I only went to Brainstorming and Ridiculous Keys. 
First I went to Ridiculous Key. Katie, one of the teachers, put on a clown hat and nose and started acting RIDICULOUS!!! No, no, no, before you start thinking she's mental, she's not. That's not what happened at all! What really happened was that Katie read out some ridiculous statements, and we had to see the positives of that. For example, one of them was, 'What if you could get your driver's license at age six?' We had to find the positives in that. Wilson said that you could show off in your ferrari as you pulled up at school! That would be pretty cool! AJ said you could rev up your car at one in the morning and tick off the neighbors. That'd be cool as well. Somebody said something about your parents drinking, and you could give 'em a ride home! Not so cool if your parents start smooching and acting like drunken idiots in the back seat! But then, somebody else said, you could threaten to chuck them out of the car. You could also put the volume on the stereo up to a hundred and just yell over the sounds of an electric guitar, trying to be heard by your parents who are clapping their hands over their ears, 'Hey, my car, my rules!' How positive!
Next we went to brainstorming. After my last, ah, little joke, you probably won't believe me if I said that Darryn's brain was in a glass dome with lightning sizzling it, so I won't bother trying to trick you. What we did was that first we did a group brainstorm, which is pouring your thoughts out through your brain, down your arm and out the other side of the pen onto the paper. Then we split into pairs and did a brainstorm in pairs. It was really cool! 
Sadly we didn't get to do the Variations Key, but I'm sure it was awesome!

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