Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Plant Biology

Today I did a little bit of science with Darryn. The type of science we did was called plant biology, which is pretty stupid, because biology is the study of living things. As in, things that aren't dead. The flowers we studied were dead. See what I mean?
First we looked at what was the purpose of a flower. Bede said that their job was to look pretty. Yeah, Bede, that's right... not really... no...
I guessed that their job was to produce oxygen, which they do. But that wasn't right either. Well, at least I was closer than Bede!
The actual job of a flower is to reproduce other flowers. You see, when a bird, butterfly or bee or something like that (also called vectors) gets in a flower and collects nectar, they then leave and put the nectar they collected elsewhere, which helps to make other flowers.
Next, Darryn started murdering the flower. DARRYN THE KILLER! DO NOT APPROACH! Just kidding! The flower was already dead. What I meant was that he started pulling the dead flower apart. He then looked at it under a Dinoscope. Some close-ups were gross, some were pretty, some were just weird. Then he let us do the same. Here are some of the pictures I took with my Dinoscope:

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