Monday, June 17, 2013


For once I'm not going to prattle on about my Passion Project, because that must be getting pretty boring by now. No, today I'm going to prattle on about something completely different - 
(Drumroll please...)
My newspaper article.
No, no, don't exit out of this post! Newspaper articles SOUND boring, but at Enrich they are the OPPOSITE of boring. For this article we're allowed to write about anything we want to. I only started last week but now it's DONE - well, at least, the actual writing part is done. I'm going to change the font and maybe add a picture and blah-de-blah-blah, but in terms of the hard stuff, I'm done. So I'm pretty relieved! 
So... I suppose you're wondering what I'm writing about? Well, I'd like to tell you, but you know me. I like to keep you in suspense, so I'm not going to tell you right this minute. I suppose you're just going to have to read next week's post to find out!

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